Trains and railways: the key of the progress in the world and one of the biggest needs in Colombia

When we observe in detail the map of the railways existing in the world, it is easy to know developed countries have a large network of railways, unlike underdeveloped countries, which don't have a considerable functioning network. 

World's railway system map. Deficiency of railways in Colombia
seems to be the answer to the underdevelopment of the country.  

In Colombia, there are about 3500 km of railways, but not all the network is functioning. The main line, which connects Santa Marta with Chiriguaná, is used by an American company to transport coal. As to passengers transport, Turistren uses the line between Bogotá and Zipaquirá with touristic purposes and to transport students of some universities in the north of Bogotá.

Infography published in SEMANA magazine.
Data obtained from the National Infrastructure Agency (ANI) of Colombia 

Old railway that connected Bucaramanga and Barrancabermeja. Today is used by walkers and bikers. 

Many Colombians have been wondering for a long time why are most of trains and railways abandoned? Why travelling by train in this country seems to be a luxe instead something common, like in Europe or the United States?  Existence of some railways and trains tell us there was a time when these used to work and brought progress to the country.

Transport of coal in Santa Marta - Chiriguaná line.

"Tren de La Sabana" attracts many tourists, especially in Christmas season.

Leave a comment answering the following questions:
  • Have you traveled by train in Colombia or in another place in the world? How was the experience?
  • Do you think trains are the answer to achieve a higher development in the country and improve quality of life? Which other benefits would it bring?
  • Which economical and environmental consequences could development of railways bring to the country?
  • Why do you think trains have not been as successful in Colombia as in other countries? 

Maria José González Echeverría 
Jhoan Sebastián Vinazco Buitrago



  1. Answering the questions:

    1.I don't remember if I have ever travelled by train, but it sounds like a great experience.
    2. I think it could be a fact to improve our country and achieve a higher development to it. However, first, it is necessary to plan effective strategies to develop the railways; second, we need strategies to prevent people in charge steal the money for this purpose.
    3. It depends on the quality of the trains and railways, because the better they are built, the better they could do their job. This could affect the economical and environmental field.
    4. Firstly, the management of money, territories and resources. Second, the layout of the roads and railways.

    By the way, I love how you explain and relate the development of a country with its network of railways.

  2. - I had never travelled by train in Colombia, but I wish I had. I have told many times to my family, we should take the train one weekend, unfortunately we haven’t do that. I had travelled in Canada’s train though. It had two floors and was an amazyng experience because I hadn’t seen a train until that moment. It was so fast and comfortable.
    - Yes, I think trains are the perfect option to achieve a higher development in Colombia, due to geography a good railway would help the economy and people’s life. The country would be more productive.
    - Our environment would be more clean. We might have less C02 that usually trucks produce. As trains would help us and make our life easier, it also would help the environment.
    - Beause it is not convenient for some influent people in the country to build a train in Colombia. They don’t care about all the trains benefits, but they care about the money they lost if they stop using trucks and the common roads.


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